Fire Alarm Control Panels
FireWarden 100X Intelligent Addressable Control Panel with CLSS Gateway
NOTIFIER's FireWarden-100X Addressable Fire Alarm System, By Honeywell. The product has a 198 point single loop to meet the needs of the smaller systems addressable marketplace.
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The FireWarden-100X (NFW2-100X, NFW2-100XR) is a UL listed addressable fire alarm control panel designed for applications requiring advanced addressable intelligence, flexible programming options, and robust power supply for driving horns, strobes, and auxiliary devices. The FireWarden-100X (NFW-100X) is the latest intelligent addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) within the FireWarden Series. The NFW-100X comes with a pre-installed communicator and supports up to 198 addressable devices (99 detectors and 99 modules). With an extensive list of powerful features, the NFW-100X programs just like FireWarden-100 products, yet fits into applications previously served only by conventional panels.
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