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    Enclosure Mounts & Hardware

    DXc Flush Bezel Kit

    The Morley IAS DXc Flush Bezel Kit used for Morley IAS DXc2 or DXc4 panel and the kit includes additional extension back box. Extension box is used to accommodate larger batteries, relays or other equipment.


    The Morley IAS DXC Flush Bezel Kit used for Morley IAS DXc2 or DXc4 panel and the kit includes additional extension back box. Extension box is used to increase the enclosure size of a DXc2 or DXc4 control panel to accommodate larger batteries, relays or other equipment.

    Features & Benefits:
    • Used for DXC2 or DXC4 panel
    • Includes extension back box
    Honeywell will provide product support until
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