Emergency Voice/Alarm Communications System
AFL-TM Audio Fiber Link Module
AFL-TM Audio Fiber Link Module's are audio fiber link modules that distribute low-level audio signals via fiber-optic media
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AFL-RM Audio Fiber Link Module’s are multi-mode transmitter of audio fiber link modules that distribute low-level audio signals via fiber-optic media. The AFL-TS/-TM transmitter accepts low-level audio signals from the DVC-AO. The AFL-TS/-TM then converts the low-level audio signals to modulated light, which is transmitted through fiber-optic cable and AFL-RS/-RM receiver accepts that modulated light to low-level audio at the other end of the fiber-optic cable, then converts the modulated light to low-level audio to feed AA-30, AA-100, AA-120, or XPIQ amplifiers, or (if required) the next daisy-chained AFL-TS/-TM.
Audio Fiber Link modules are powered from non resettable 24 DVC output from power supplies that are listed for fire protective signaling service. The AFL transmitters or receivers may be mounted in a CHS-4 or CHS-4L chassis, which in turn mounts into a CAB-3 or CAB-4 Series cabinet.
Features & Benefits:- 50 AFL transmitters can be connected to the output of a DVC-AO
- A maximum of ten amplifiers may be fed from AFL Transmitter output
- The maximum series connection of audio fiber links is two AFL transmitters/receiver pairs deep
- UL
Data Sheet
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