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NovaTime Demo Version
NovaTime Demo Version is the flexible and at the same time easy to use software for personnel time recording
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NovaTime Demo Version is ideally adapted to the whole range of time recording terminals. It is quickly installed, configured and, after a brief instruction, can be operated intuitively and comfortably by the user NovaTime grows with the size of the company from 25 employees to over 10,000 employees. Our starter package is recommended for use in smaller companies. If necessary, this can be expanded to the full version with all options at any time with the many options available, NovaTime meets all customer requirements.
NovaTime enables seamless integration with the most frequently used wage and salary systems as well as with access control. The access control terminals ACT, ACS-1 *, ACS-2 *, ACS-2 plus and ACS-8 are supported. Only for existing systems, device no longer available
Features & Benefits:- Terminal APP for Android smartphones
- Lamp panel completely revised
- TRS Tema-Voyager mifare DESFire
- Multiple employee representation, general approver , cancellation request and extensive e-mail notifications are included
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