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Cooperative Purchasing For Buildings
Integrate building technologies to optimize the health, comfort, and energy efficiency of your facilities.
When buildings perform so do bottom lines
We're committed to helping customers like you find the right technology for your buildings. Our OMNIA Partners contract gives members the opportunity to purchase integrated technologies at discounted pricing without the delay and expense of going out to bid.
We are transforming the way buildings operate through innovative energy and smart, connected solutions that help organizations like you achieve sustainability and efficiency throughout your operations.
Eligible participants
- Federal government entities
- State/province government entities
- Tribal government
- Municipal government entities
- Higher education
- K-12 education
- Nonprofit organizations
- Public entities
Unlock Building Efficiency And Savings
Honeywell offers Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs) to help organizations achieve energy and operational savings as well as supporting their carbon reduction goals.
Let’s optimize your buildings
Complete the form below to have one of our experts contact you to discuss your needs.
Copyright © 2025 Honeywell International Inc.
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