Control Modules
NC-100 Addressable Control Module
Notifier's NC-100 Addressable Control Modules provide NOTIFIER’s FireWarden Series intelligent control panels a supervised Class B of Class A circuit for Notification Appliances.
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Honeywell introduces Notifier NC-100 Addressable Control Modules which provides NOTIFIER’s FireWarden Series intelligent control panels a supervised Class B (Style Y) of Class A (Style Z) circuit for Notification Appliances (horns, strobes, etc.). Addressability allows the NC-100(A) to be activated, either manually or through panel programming, on a select (zone or area of coverage) basis.
Features & Benefits:- Built-in type identification automatically identifies these devices to the control panel
- Internal circuitry powered directly by two-wire SLC loop
- Integral LED “blinks” when communicating, and turns on steady when activated
- EMF High noise immunity (/RFI)
- The NC-100(A) may be used to switch 24-volt NAC power
- Wide viewing angle of LED
- SEMS screws with clamping plates for wiring ease
- CSFM approved: file 7300-0028:230
- CSFM approved: file 7300-0028:230
- FM approved
- FM approved
- MEA approved: file 72-01-E Vol. 2
- MEA approved: file 72-01-E Vol. 2
- UL/ULC Listed: file S635
- UL/ULC Listed: file S635
- Brand
- Brand
- Brand : NOTIFIER
Data Sheet
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