Combination Strobes
L-Series with LED Indoor Wall Speaker Strobes
L-Series with LED Speaker Strobes are rich with features guaranteed to cut installation costs and times with its lower current draw and modern aesthetics.
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System Sensor L-Series and L-Series with LED platform offers the most versatile and easy-to-use line of Speakers and Speaker Strobes in the industry with lower current draw and modern aesthetics.
Flexible design options meet virtually any application requirement: wall or ceiling mount, red or white color choices, bezel kits for alternate markings and languages, and LED color lenses for distinctive visual signaling. In addition, installers can easily adapt devices using field selectable candela, using rotary switches.
The L-Series and L-Series with LED line is developed to simplify installation. All devices feature plug-in designs with minimal intrusion into the back box, making installations fast and foolproof while virtually eliminating costly and time-consuming ground faults. The universal mounting plate includes an onboard shorting spring, so installers can test wiring continuity before the device is installed.
The low harmonic distortion of the speaker offers high fidelity sound output while offering high volume sound output for use in high ambient noise applications.
In addition, the System Sensor L-Series with LED notification appliances offer a new diagnostic test point feature that allows you to measure device voltage with a digital voltage meter (DVM) without removing the appliance from the wall or ceiling. The DVM test points are discreetly located on the face of the notification appliance which enable faster troubleshooting and end of line (EOL) voltage checks while greatly reducing the risk of misplacing or damaging appliances during troubleshooting.
Features & Benefits:- LED technology provides lower current draw
- Digital Voltage Meter (DVM) diagnostic test points for Speaker Strobes
- Common aesthetics across the L-Series platform
- Tamper-resistant construction
- Field-selectable candela settings on wall units: 15, 30, 75, 95, 110, 135, and 185
- Rotary switches for candela, speaker voltage (25 and 70.7 VRMS) and power settings (1/4, ½, 1, 2 Watts)
- Mounting plate provides plug-in design for easier installation and shorting springs to check wiring continuity
- Electrically compatible with legacy SpectrAlert, SpectrAlert Advance and L-series devices
- Synchronization through use of UL approved power suppliesthat support System Sensor Sync protocol or System Sensor MDL3 Sync Module
- Strobes listed for wall or ceiling use
- Speakers and Speaker strobes listed for wall or ceiling use
- No extension ring required
- Speakers offer high fidelity and high-volume sound output
- 520 Hz +/- 10% square wave tone capable with compatible fire alarm control panel (FACP)
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