

    Management Software in VARIODYN® ONE

    Variodyn One Backend Management Software


    The Management Software in VARIODYN ONE provides

    ease of monitoring and operating the PAVA system from

    a centralized location or through multiple monitoring

    stations spread across the project.

    Graphical user interface has been designed ensuring

    that you easily understand the system status and

    self-learn how to operate and use the software

    Features & Benefits:
    • Imports maps of the building/s
    • Import Building/Site Configuration DATA
    • Define paging zones
    • Monitoring zones status
    • Adding zones to favourites
    • Define pre-configured paging announcements
    • View real time paging status
    • Initiate and stop pre-configured paging
    • announcements using Playlist from INC, Audio
    • Inputs and DCS Mic as a source
    • Live Paging Announcements using Microphone,
    • Audio Files and Recorded Files as source from the
    • Workstation.
    • Initiate and stop pre-configured paging
    • announcements using audio files, recorded files
    • and microphone as a source from Management Tool
    • Software
    • Record and pre listen paging announcements before
    • broadcast
    • Supports paging on the fly
    • Define priority levels for paging
    • Controlling various action like Paging Initiation, Volume
    • Settings based on user access levels
    • Increase/ decrease volume for respective channels
    • Define User Access levels
    • Ability to configure and monitor selected INC/Events
    • using Monitoring Profile
    • History view which records all events like Trouble,
    • Paging, Audio Output Status etc.
    • Supports secure communication b/w controller and
    • management software
    • Enables to monitor Trouble, Paging, Audio output etc.
    • for GNP audio controllers.
    • Supports up to 400 GNP Controller communication in
    • the network.
    • Activate/deactivate control capability from the
    • workstation for the audio announcements/Paging.
    • GNP Audio Controllers allows remote IP connections
    • and increases scalability of network.
    • Supervised IP connections for remote workstations and
    • Audio Controller Communications.
    • Multiple workstations can access the Controller at the
    • same time.
    • EN54-16
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