Annunciators & Keypads
N-ANN Series Annunciators
The N-ANN-Series provides a comprehensive line of annunciators, relay and driver modules to interface with a compatible fire alarm control panel.
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The N-ANN-LED and the N-ANN-80 annunciator replicates general system faults and input zones/points when used with a compatible fire alarm control panel. The N-ANN-I/O is an LED driver module that can be used in a wide variety of applications including as an interface with the FACP to drive most customized graphic annunciators. The N-ANN-RLY relay module provides 10 programmable Form-C relays when used with the FACP.
Features & Benefits:
- Includes three LEDs for each zone: Alarm, Trouble and Supervisory
- N-ANN-RLED includes all red LEDs for alarm only annunciation
- Compatible with the NFW-50(C), NFW2-100(C), SFP-5UD(C), SFP-10UD(C), RP-2001(C), RP-2002(C)
- N-ANN-80
- Backlit 80-character LCD display (20 characters x 4 lines)
- Up to eight N-ANN-80s can be connected on the ANN-BUS
- Control switches for System Acknowledge, Signal Silence, Drill, and Reset
- Displays device type identifiers, individual point alarm, trouble, supervisory, zone, and custom alpha labels
- Connects to the ANN-BUS terminal on the FACP and requires minimal programming
- Ten Form-C relays can be programmed for various functions; Alarm, Trouble, Supervisory, AC Loss, Waterflow Delay, Input Zones and Silenceable Alarm
- Up to eight ANN-BUS devices may be connected to the ANN-BUS of each FACP
- Connects to the ANN-BUS terminal on the FACP and requires minimal programming
- Each N-ANN-I/O module drives up to 40 LEDs
- UL: S635
- ULC: S635 (N-ANN-LED only)
- FM approved
- CSFM: 7120-0028:0259
- MEA: 333-07-E
- Fire Dept of NY: COA #6177
- N-ANN-80
- UL: S635
- FM approved
- CSFM: 7120-0028:240
- MEA: 442-06-E Vol. 2
- UL: S635
- FM Approved
- Fire Dept. of New York: #COA 6177
- CSFM: 7165-0028:0245; 7165-0028:0246
- UL: S635
- CSFM: 7120-0028:242
- MEA: 442-06-E Vol. 2
- Brand
- Brand
- Brand : NOTIFIER|
Data Sheet
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