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    Training Services

    BACtalk Engineering and Commissioning Course

    The BT‐230 Lab course emphasizes the design, development, and commissioning of an Envision for BACtalk system. Using mock plans and specifications students will learn the fundamentals of engineering and commissioning a BACtalk System.  


    The BT‐230 Lab course emphasizes the design, development, and commissioning of an Envision for BACtalk system. Using mock plans and specifications students will learn the fundamentals of engineering and commissioning a BACtalk System.

    During the design process, students will practice utilizing the engineering tools and standard library components provided by Alerton. After the design phase, students will create a BACtalk System database using Alerton’s BACtalk Builder Utility Suite. Using BACtalk hardware components and a training console to simulate an actual installation students then wire‐up, configure, and commission a BACtalk System in accordance with their design documents and their developed databases

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    BT-230 LAB
    BACtalk Engineering and Commissioning Course, Lab
    BT-230 LAB
    BACtalk Engineering and Commissioning Course, Lab