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Transform energy data into value-added services

Our fully scalable solutions empower Energy Service Companies to create differentiated optimization services for energy use and carbon emissions.

  • Expand, secure and retain business with existing customers
  • Win more new business opportunities
  • Increase operational efficiency

The freedom to scale at your own speed

  • Tiered cloud-based architecture enables you to grow your customer base at your own speed
  • Manage and work with substantial amounts of data complexity
  • Keep the lead:  The Enacto platform keeps you on the latest version, helping ensure your capabilities are relevant to evolving customer needs
  • Fully customizable branding: Adjust themes, color and style to fit your brand

The right service for each customer

The Enacto ESCO solution enables you to offer energy services tailored to your customers’ needs

  • Tiered service packages are pre-developed and ready to commercialize
  • Service-builder tool enables you to create bespoke customer offerings