Open-area Smoke Imaging Detection (OSID) provides reliable, cost-effective smoke detection for open spaces where fire detection presents unique challenges.
Protect your mission-critical facilities and high-value assets with very early detection of the faintest traces of smoke – even in highly challenging environments.
Protect Lives
Carbon Monoxide is colorless, odorless and tasteless. As more local and state governments require the use of CO detection, the need to combine fire and CO detection into one sensor is a value-saving, smart solution.
Protect Business
Evacuating a public area is both costly and difficult. Does your detector know when a fire is really a fire?
Protect Assets
Protect your mission-critical facilities and high-value assets with very early detection of the faintest traces of smoke – even in highly challenging environments.
Protect Lives
Carbon Monoxide is colorless, odorless and tasteless. As more local and state governments require the use of CO detection, the need to combine fire and CO detection into one sensor is a value-saving, smart solution.
Protect Business
Evacuating a public area is both costly and difficult. Does your detector know when a fire is really a fire?
Protect Assets
Protect your mission-critical facilities and high-value assets with very early detection of the faintest traces of smoke – even in highly challenging environments.
Reduce interruption and down time
Fewer nuisance alarms, fewer interruptions, and better life safety protection.