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    VESDA-E by Xtralis
    VESDA-E by Xtralis


    Know sooner, react faster

    We’ve been a pioneer in life safety for over 30 years. We are the world’s largest manufacturer of very early warning aspirating smoke detection (ASD) systems, including VESDA, the world's leading ASD brand.

    Sector Addressable Aspirating Smoke Detection (ASD)

    Identify and monitor smoke by individual sampling pipes (sectors), allowing quick response to a potential fire event, reducing the search area.


    Early Warning Aspirating Smoke Detection (ASD)

    VEA divides a protected space into sampling locations (up to 40) to pinpoint threats for faster response.

    OSID Beam Smoke Detection

    Open Area Smoke Imaging Detection

    Employing dual wavelength beams and optical imaging technology, OSID provides a cost-effective, reliable and easy-to-install solution for large, open areas.

    VESDA XCL Gas Detection

    Aspirating Gas Detection for VESDA-E VEA

    VESDA Sensepoint XCL integrates seamlessly with VESDA-E VEA to provide early warning detection of gases for occupant protection and system monitoring.

    Let’s get started

    We’re the leading global provider of powerful solutions for very early, reliable detection, and rapid, effective response to smoke, fire and gas threats. We protect high-value and irreplaceable assets belonging to the world’s top governments and businesses.

    Catalyze your business growth

    The catalyst Partner Program rewards you for your business success by providing benefits designed to help your business grow further.