Horns & Sounders
DSE Series Indoor Siren
DSE Series Indoor Siren is a 6-tone conventional indoor siren with flashing light. It allows the reception of two commands for alarm and flash and synchronism between various devices.
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DSE Series Indoor Siren models are conventional indoor optical-acoustic detectors for fire alarms for signalling fire alarms in civil or industrial environments. They are certified in accordance with EN 54.3 (acoustics) and EN 54.23 (optics) and comply with the UNI-TR 11607 "Guideline for acoustic and optical signallers" where, for dormitories and hotels, the where, for dormitories and hotels, the predominant frequency is specified which must be between 0.5Hz and 1Khz. Constructed from non-combustible and non-flame flame-propagating materials and available in Ferrari Fire Red.
Features & Benefits:- Programmable auto silence timer
- 2 programmable flash rates
- Coverage volume (wall mounted) is light lens: 7m x 11m x 10m
- Constructed from non-combustible and non-flame flame-propagating materials
- EN 54.3 (acoustics) and EN 54.23 (optics) Approved
- UNI-TR 11607 Compliant
- IP31C Rated (Type A, for indoor use)
- CE Certified
- Brand
- Product Type
- Sounder
- Brand
- Product Type
- Sounder
- Brand : NOTIFIER|
- Product Type : Sounder|
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