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When the project’s challenging, trust the ones who’ve been there before

Our comprehensive services support our customers with trusted solutions that protect buildings and people. But when another layer of expertise is needed, our Professional Services people are ready.

Let’s tackle your biggest issues with our best qualified people

Our Professional Services offers an elite level of service given by highly experienced service professionals. If that’s the kind of service you demand, let’s talk.

Honeywell Professional Support Services

Software Support Agreements

Honeywell Software Support Agreements (SSAs) for access control and video surveillance products compliment any Honeywell installation and enhance long-term customer satisfaction.


Continuous holders of SSAs are entitled to all software upgrades as well as interim service packs on covered software.

Sites with standard SSAs receive priority service during regular business hours.

Integrators protected by an SSA have a dedicated phone number to use for contacting Honeywell technical support to expedite issue resolution.

Available online at, Honeywell’s Discover eLearning courses are loaded with tips and techniques, technical product information and valuable presentation guides to help you stay informed, work smarter and stay ahead of your competition.

Covered sites receive a unique site identification code that enables Honeywell technicians to maintain a history of the site’s installations to identify and resolve issues more quickly.

We can provide installation and expert support to supplement your staff. This flexibility enables you to reduce your time and effort while still providing complete technical support to your customers.

The System Optimization Service is customized specifically for each site based on the complexity and number of servers. If on-site support is required, that portion of the service is provided at a discount.

When the security stakes are high, go with a professional

With our Professional Services, we help you meet major challenges with sophisticated solutions that help keep buildings, and people, secure. We have experience gained across many sites. And many years. If you need our highest level of expertise, let’s talk.

Professional Support Services