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    Buildings run better when systems work together

    Honeywell Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI) is designed with the goal of healthier and more secure buildings while making operations more efficient and managing costs

    Help Your People and Building Operations Thrive

    Imagine being able to manage every building system – building management, fire and life safety and security – in one place. That’s possible with Honeywell Enterprise Buildings Integrator. With a universal set of tools and analytics, EBI brings critical building domains together with open systems and enterprise web services, providing building operators with real-time facility data.
    Integrates Facility Operations
    Provides seamless master systems integration (MSI), robust control and detailed insights via geospatial, map-based control
    Enables accurate decisions
    Integrates critical building domains – BMS, security, fire and more – to enable holistic data and decision making with a single view
    Streamlines Emergency alerts
    Alerts the right people when they should be and automatically triggers the right procedures with automated workflow
    Provides an agnostic system
    Provides open, scalability working with a wide range of third-party equipment and software

    Why Honeywell Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI)

    Integrate your building operations and support safety, sustainability, and operational efficiency within your facility. Reimagine building operations with Honeywell Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI).

    Get to know Honeywell Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI)

    Understand the unique capabilities of Honeywell Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI) that can manage multiple building domains to help you to deliver the outcomes important for your facility.

    What’s new with Honeywell EBI R700

    Learn about the features in the latest release of Honeywell Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI).

    It's Time For an Upgrade

    Achieve master systems integration (MSI), robust control and detailed insights through enhanced geospatial, map-based control of your site and protect your operational technologies (OT) and improve the performance and stability of your system with the newest release of Enterprise Buildings Integrator.

    Never Question The Software Your Building Depends On

    Smooth Operations At Your Fingertips

    Integrated Operations
    An agnostic solution to total integration
    Features a suite of capabilities to automate complex workflows; optimize energy use, safety and occupant experiences; and gain the analytical insights to deliver savings throughout your enterprise.
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    Command and Control Suite
    A single view for clear, accurate decisions
    Manage complex critical infrastructure using intuitive map-based navigation makes critical information easier to access, and incident workflows support standard operating procedures (SOPs) for more efficient responses.
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    Digital Video Manager
    Automated workflows mean faster responses
    Improve the security of your site with a complete video system that is designed to integrate new technologies such as the latest IP cameras, video analytics, and encryption – so you can more effectively maintain vigilance and mitigate risk while enhancing the efficiency, integrity, and above all, the safety of your operations.
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    Smart Integration With A Wide Range Of Platforms

    EBI is an open, scalable solution that works with a wide range of third-party equipment and software. It reduces operational and lifecycle costs while giving you plenty of room to grow as your needs expand.
    Integrated operations help patients and staff thrive
    Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (VCCC) optimized the performance of its facility through integrated building solutions, becoming more energy efficient, and resulting in a comfortable, responsive, and industry-compliant environment.
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    Australia's flagship hospital connected for better care
    Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, Australia is a pioneer in the latest scientific, technological, and medical developments – including a connected hospital with state-of-the-art integration system from Honeywell.
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