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- Airports
- Healthy Airports
A healthier, more sustainable airport of tomorrow starts today.
Proper sensing and control across your airport can reduce the spread of pathogens. That helps resolve issues quickly, contributing to greater staff productivity and passenger wellness.
Technology that sounds like the future, but it’s already here.
You can deploy AI technology to detect possible health risks, security systems that leverage the power of video analytics and dashboards that measure tiny particulate matter and volatile compounds in the air. Don’t wait for the future. Create it.
Land more positive outcomes for your airport.
How do we create a safe, secure and efficient environment for everyone? With advanced technology and analytics for airside operations, healthy terminals, and integrated safety and security systems. Let’s adapt your airport to a new world of travel.
How Your Next Flight Might Look Different.
The global health crisis has changed everything. Including air travel. Read about the health and safety measures that might be in place when you take your next flight.
Copyright © 2025 Honeywell International Inc.
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