Releasing Panels
Notifier Extinguishing Panel
The Control extinguishing panel by Honeywell is designed to efficiently manage the automatic release sequence of any extinguishing system.
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The Control extinguishing panel by Honeywell is designed to efficiently manage the automatic release sequence of any extinguishing system. RP1r-PLUS includes a switched 65W power supply with battery charger with three input zones to connect directly to conventional detectors and external release call points, two monitored and electronically protected output circuits, two outputs of sounders with different frequencies to identify each of the stages such as warning, alarm, prolongation/emergency cancellation.
Features & Benefits:- Two outputs of sounders
- A switched 65W power supply with battery
- Three input zones to connect directly to conventional detectors and external release call points
- UNI EN 12094.1
- EN 54-2
- EN 54-4
- Brand
- Brand
- Brand : NOTIFIER
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