
    Fire Suppression Devices

    ESC 1000/1002 Fire Suppression System

    ESC 1000/1002 Fire Suppression Systems are an pre-engineered automatic electrical cabinet fire suppression system kit with all important accessories


    ESC 1000/1002 Fire Suppression System cylinder assembly is filled with 2.5lbs/1.13kgs of clean agent (FK-5-1-12) and pre-pressurized to 195/240 psi (13.5/16 Bar) ECS-252 provides a dual valve outlet as against ECS-250 which has a single valve outlet port with zero ozone depletion potential, extremely low global warming potential and short atmospheric lifetime, UL Listed FK-5-1-12 Fluid is the first chemical halon replacement to offer a viable, long-term, sustainable technology for special hazards fire protection. All agent cylinders are steel pressure vessels designed to hold the agent under pressure until the agent is discharged. All containers are suitable for use at storage temperatures between 32°F to 130 °F



    • Includes
      • cylinder valve assembly foot
    • Product Type
      • Fire Suppression System


    • Includes
      • cylinder valve assembly foot
    • Product Type
      • Fire Suppression System
    • Includes : cylinder valve assembly foot|
    • Product Type : Fire Suppression System|
    Product Number
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    ESC 10001002 Fire Suppression System, Steel, 1 Valve Outlet, 0 to 54.4 C, 195240 psig, FK-5-1-12
    ESC 10001002 Fire Suppression System, Steel, 1 Valve Outlet, 0 to 54.4 C, 195240 psig, FK-5-1-12