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- MK Electric
- Logic Plus Rapid Fix
MK Logic Plus™ Rapid Fix
Introducing the UK’s first 13A double switchsocket with screwless cable terminations, for a simple, fast and reliable installation, every time.
MK Electric has always prided itself on total safety solutions and the Logic Plus Rapid Fix switchsocket is no exception. The new Logic Plus Rapid Fix 13A switchsocket is the latest innovation from MK Electric to deliver such a solution and drive the charge in the evolution of British Standard installation practice.

Ease of Installation
Life’s Easier When Things Just Click
The unique features of the Rapid Fix socket such as the colour coded terminal levers and handy cable strip length ruler, combined with our new screwless technology offers unrivalled installation simplicity. In addition, the top probe entry points provide vertical testing access to avoid constraints posed by the new screwless terminal arrangement.

Speed of Installation
It’s All In The Name!
It’s called Rapid Fix for a reason; tool-less, screwless, in-line spring operated terminal levers simply clamp the cables in place to provide an impressive installation time saving of up to 45% compared with the traditional screwed terminal socket.

Safety & Reliability
You Can’t Screw This Up
Market Recognised CAGE CLAMP® connectors ensure the optimum clamping force is maintained over the life of the product and removes the risk of over or under tightening of terminal screws, which can occur with traditional screw terminal sockets.

Logic Plus Heritage
The new Rapid Fix switchsocket also includes all the Logic Plus features and benefits that has influenced the electrical product industry for over 20 years. These include MK's 3 Pin Shutter system, independently tested anti-bacterial and viral protection over 99.9%, plus our newly increased 30 year guarantee** giving you complete confidence.
**Excludes electronic products
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