IQ MultiAccess
IQ MultiAccess is a highly scalable access control software solution suitable for controlling multiple locations within a company or several companies within a building complex/business park.
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IQ MultiAccess features a client/server based architecture with a high-speed database connection and is supplied with a license-free SQL “Firebird” database link. This makes the AC system fully scalable with virtually no restrictions with respect to number of persons, doors, room/time zones or workstations connected to the system.
Server redundancy and RAID systems provide high availability of the AC system. All data is transmitted with internal encryption and critical data is also memorized in encrypted form.
Different types of controllers/terminals, connection and reading techniques can be managed per location. Within one building, several companies can use collective doors without seeing the data of the other companies (mandators).
IQ MultiAccess features a hierarchical user organization for simple operation and data protection, which allows rights to be defined and assigned by location, company or person, and a super user with all rights. This allows several companies to be able to use the same system in a building and share the cost or one company to use the same system at multiple location.
The IQ MultiAccess user interface is intuitive and easy to use. Data are quickly selected via tree structures and lists, and an extensive staff master record including photo, signature and freely definable fields increases flexibility.
Comprehensive logging allows, inter alia, short video sequences to be recorded and replayed upon activating a webcam ("gatekeeper module" from V3). Filtering and evaluation are done quickly via drag and drop and reporting tool allows exports in Excel, text, HTML, and XML formats.
Main versions of IQ MultiAccess:
Demo license: including 100 badges for one Intrusion panel MB-Secure or one access controller. If more is required please order IQMA2010 and at least IQMA2020 or IQMA2200
Basic package: IQMA2010, including 500 badges and license-free Firebird SQL database
Features & Benefits:- Management of locations (several locations of a company or several clients/companies at one location) Access to collective doors by several mandators
- Authorization hierarchy due to user-related rights with varying rights within the system or location related
- SQL database link
- 128 bit SSL encryption
- Unlimited number of persons/IDs
- Global antipassback and Barring Repeated Entry with monitoring over the entire system
- Intruder alarm control panel, (IACP)-connection
- Creation and management of personnel data and authorizations of one or several intrusion detection systems.
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