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    Training Services

    BACtalk Training Course

    The BT-E230 course teaches the principles and processes of design and implementation of Alerton BACtalk system and learn the fundamentals of engineering a BACtalk System using self‐paced presentations, guided demonstrations and hands‐on activities.


    The BT-E230 is a training course that teaches the principles and processes of the design and implementation of an Alerton BACtalk system and students also gain knowledge on the fundamentals of engineering of BACtalk System using self‐paced presentations, guided demonstrations and hands‐on activities. During the design process, students will learn how to use Alerton’s standard library components and engineering, commissioning, and troubleshooting tools. This course is a prerequisite to the BT‐230 Lab course which provides students with hands‐on experience for the material covered in this on‐line course.

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    BACtalk Engineering And Commissioning Course, Alerton Control System, Online
    BACtalk Engineering And Commissioning Course, Alerton Control System, Online