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    Fire Suppression Devices

    3lbs Fire Suppression System

    FK-5-1-12 Clean agent system are employed to protect critical installations formerly protected by halon 1301.


    FK-5-1-12 Clean agent system are employed to protect critical installations formerly protected by halon 1301. FK-5-1-12 systems reach extinguishing levels in 10 seconds or less, stopping ordinary combustible, electrical, and flammable liquid fires before they cause significant damage. That’s the fastest fire protection available, period. When fire is extinguished this quickly, it means less damage, lower repair costs, and an extra margin of safety for people. It also means less downtime and disruption of business.

    • UL Listed
    Honeywell will provide product support until


    • Product Type
      • Fire Suppression System


    • Product Type
      • Fire Suppression System
    • Product Type : Fire Suppression System|
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