Fire Suppression Devices
FK 1230 25 Bar Capacity Seamless Switch-in-Gauge Unit
Honeywell's FK 1230 25 Bar Capacity Seamless Switch-in-Gauge Units which are used with HFC-227ea clean agent. It is also equipped with switch-in-gauge unit, design to monitor health of cylinder pressure.
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Honeywell provides FK 1230 25 Bar Capacity Seamless Switch-in-Gauge Units which are used with FK 1230 clean agent. It is also equipped with switch-in-gauge unit, design to monitor health of cylinder pressure. This 2 in 1 unit offers unique facility whereas we can monitor cylinder pressure locally and healthiness of cylinder can be monitor remotely via using fire alarm panel interface unit or any other control panel.
- Brand
- Honeywell
- Brand
- Honeywell
- Brand : Honeywell
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