Fire Suppression Devices
Cable Kit
Inert Suppression System
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The manoswitch (combined pressure gauge and pressure switch) used by Fire Eater features a single pole change over switch making it possible to monitor for normal and low pressure as well as short circuitry and open circuit. Older manoswitches (no CE mark) only features a switch which is closed when pressure is normal. The manoswitches are designed to be connected in a daisy chain, where low pressure on one manoswitch will indicate low pressure on the monitoring panel. The dual-resistor terminator (part of this kit) has to be placed on the last manoswitch in the daisy chain. In the normal position (pressure above the set point) the resistance of the circuitry is high (200Ω/3K3Ω/5K6Ω/10KΩ), when pressure falls below the set point the resistance of the circuitry falls to low (100Ω/680Ω/470Ω/470Ω). Note: Ω = ohm.
Features & Benefits:- Cable kit: Manosw 470R-5K6 2m,
- UL & FM
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