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HBS-JS-Education-HBT Education Landing Page Update_hero 2880x1440px.jpg

Let’s make schools safer, more secure, and more sustainable

Improve the operations of school facilities while showing students, families and staff that education is more effective in a safer, more sustainable setting.

Meet your building’s prerequisites

When school facilities are safer, more efficient, and easier to manage, you’ll find it easier to create great learning experiences, and students find it easier to focus.

Honeywell has solutions for all levels of learning

K-12 & primary schools

Higher education

Visitor management for schools

Enhance safety, security and compliance for all staff and visitors who enter your campus.

Total energy management with outlet level monitoring and control

Optimize your campus’ energy efficiency by controlling and managing plug-in power usage.

Energy efficiency pays for building upgrades

School districts and universities have partnered with Honeywell to make needed facility upgrades funded by future energy savings.

Academics are your expertise. Security is ours

Find out how intelligent, integrated schools security can enhance the learning environment.

Integrated building management

Use our comprehensive range of products and services to customize solutions to fit your school’s needs.

Campus-wide OT cybersecurity

Our holistic approach to cybersecurity can help mitigate risks to your systems.

Speak to an expert