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Connected Life Safety Services

As a society, we are more connected than ever. Modern day technologies enable us to communicate, monitor, troubleshoot, diagnose, and more - even when we’re not physically together.

This new way of working took center stage amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and businesses around the world leveraged innovative technologies that would improve efficiency and drive business continuity. These new processes have proven to be more successful than we ever expected and will have long term implications on the way we work in a post-COVID world.

Consider this – if we’re innovating as a workforce, shouldn’t we also be leveraging technology that optimizes the way we manage the buildings in which we work? This is where Honeywell’s Connected Life Safety Services (CLSS) comes in. 

This first to market, end-to-end connected platform will change the way your life safety systems are installed, tested, and maintained. The CLSS web and mobile apps provide building owners, facility managers, system integrators and technicians a remote view of all facilities – helping to ensure they are operating effectively and meeting regulatory requirements.

But the power of CLSS doesn’t stop there. Below are five ways CLSS can make you and your buildings more efficient:

  1. Know Before You Go: With remote system visibility, CLSS allows engineers and technicians to diagnose problems before they arrive on site, limiting disruptions, freeing up resources, and increasing first-time fix rates.
  2. Test and Inspect: CLSS automates many aspects of the test and inspect process, from data acquisition and documentation to testing and compliance. When configured with the NOTIFIER Self-Test series of detectors, the CLSS mobile app allows technicians to automatically test the detectors at the touch of a button – turning a process that typically takes days and weeks into hours and minutes.
  3. Compliance Reports Anytime, Anywhere: Gone are the days of entering data into spreadsheets, manually transcribing reports, and week-long delays in delivering results. CLSS pulls all of this information electronically, ensuring you have digital proof of compliance at your fingertips.
  4. No Surprises: CLSS allows you to keep tabs on your maintenance schedules as well as device age and condition. Access to this real-time information allows you to plan accordingly for technician visits and maintenance costs with no surprises.
  5. Peace of Mind: Take the guesswork out of what’s happening at your facilities. CLSS allows you to monitor your facilities remotely, giving you the peace of mind that your sites are operating effectively without physically being on site.

If you knew that it was possible to improve efficiency while minimizing building disruptions and ensuring compliance– would you do it? If the answer is yes, CLSS is the solution.

Learn more about CLSS here

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