
    Protect Critical Data with Early Smoke, Fire, and Gas Detection

    Our solutions can help you optimize uptime, prevent business disruption, and protect client data.

    Keep Your Data Center Up and Running

    When it comes to smoke, fire, or gas in Data Centers, the consequences can be disastrous. These factors not only put data at risk - they threaten people, property, and reputations, too. Learn more about how Honeywell's advanced technologies can help keep you one step ahead.

    Featured Articles


    VESDA vs. Spot Detectors: Choosing the Right Solution for Your Data Center.


    Fire Protection for Data Centers: Your People, Your Clients and Their Data Deserve It.


    How Honeywell VESDA Pays for Itself – Both Up Front and Over Its Lifecycle.


    5 tips to help you optimize smoke detection in data centers.


    VESDA-E for Mission Critical Infrastructure.  

    Our Featured Brands

    Our life safety solutions for Data Centers are available from the following Honeywell Fire brands.

    Get Connected

    Speak with one of our in-house experts to learn more about what our Data Center solutions can do for you.