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Older Building

Put Cybersecurity at the Heart of your Building

All connected systems can face cyber threats

Cyber threats continue to evolve and escalate, and there are no indications to show that this trend will slow in the years to come. It’s no longer only computers or IT networks that are at risk.Operational technologies (OT) and OT networks, such as building controls, are increasingly at risk – in part because they may provide easier access to an organization’s full IT network.

At times, it may seem that no system or data of any kind is safe from wouldbe attackers – whether it’s the “script kiddie” who just wants to show what they can do or bad actors seeking to extort financial gain from their next cyber attack. Nation-state attackers can be particularly insidious and have multiple objectives: stealing intellectual property to benefit their own economy; disrupting sensitive infrastructure such as the energy sector; or pursuing other political and military objectives by causing disruption.

From mobile devices to building automation, we all depend on the digital products and connected systems that we use and take for granted, but how can we be sure whether they’re resilient to cyber-attacks? For instance, how do system engineers and building integrators know which products are better protected when designing a new hospital or upgrading critical infrastructure such as a power plant?

History shows that no system can ever be absolutely secure – yet some protections and methodologies are safer than others. The challenge is to identify the better options.

Defending against cyber threats

When planning a new building system or infrastructure project, how do you identify the secure technology options?

Download the whitepaper to learn more. 

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