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Breathe easier about your building

Bringing in up to 100% of clean outside air during high-risk periods can reduce the recirculation of contaminated air.

Increase Fresh Air Flow

One key factor to a healthy environment is the quality of indoor air and the amount of fresh air that your facility needs. Controlling the amount of fresh air in your building can be easily done with the correct economizer, dampers and building management solution.

Technical resource 

Download our technical reference guide on Air Quality for healthy buildings.

See what you can do 

As we all adjust to new air quality concerns, you can take tangible steps to ensure business continuity and help your building thrive in any future.

Anatomy of a Healthy Building: Air Quality 

View this on-demand webinar where our experts will explore technologies that can be used to improve air quality including considerations for retrofits and new use cases.

Blog post 

Building air flow isn't a one-way street. Air flow is essential in the building environment. It can impact the energy efficiency and environmental health of the building.**

Jade economizers

JADE Economizers are the perfect example of Honeywell innovation that makes saving energy easier. For many applications, JADE is the ultimate solution for a fresh air ventilation system.

Indoor air quality solutions

Click here to learn more about Honeywell's indoor air quality solutions for commercial buildings, schools and hospitals.

Speak to an expert

We understand your building management needs because we’re part of your community, helping millions of buildings around the world. And we’re ready to help you too. Click below to get in contact with a Honeywell Healthy Buildings Expert.

*  United States Environmental Protection Agency, Indoor Air Quality, July 16, 2018 [Accessed September 2, 2020]  

** U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building America Solution Center, Building Science Introduction – Air Flow