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HPS, Customer





Silent Knight / Farenhyt Series - How to Get Rid of Corruption on a Program


- How to get rid of corruption on a program.
- How can I get rid of corruption on my program?
- My program is not working properly, even when there seems to be nothing wrong with it, is it corrupted?


  • All Silent Knight series addressable panels
  • All Farenhyt series addressable panels


If a program from an FACP is not working properly, even when there seems to be nothing wrong with it, it might be corrupted or damaged.

The best solution is to clear the program from the panel itself, and reload it there are a couple of ways of doing this.

Transfer a blank program into the panel.
1) Open the respective programming software (SKSS for 5000 Series from SK or 1st gen Farenhyt Series panels, HFSS for 6000 Series from SK or 2nd gen Farenhyt panels).
2) Create a new file on the software by selecting "File" at the top, and selecting "New Account" on SKSS, or "New Configuration" on HFSS.
3) Select the proper model of the panel and click OK.
4) Transfer the file to the panel ("Download Account" on SKSS, "Set Configuration" on HFSS). Input the Computer Account and Computer Code on the corresponding fields, then click OK.
5) By transferring a new blank file into the panel, the old program will be deleted, removing any corruption it might have had.

Restore Defaults Feature (Only available on 6000 Series from Silent Knight or 2nd Gen Farenhyt panels).
1) Enter the Installer Code. The panel will automatically go to the Main Menu.
2) Go into "Panel Programming".
3) Select "Restore Defaults".
4) Press the Up or Down arrow key to select YES or NO from the Warning screen. Then press ENTER.
5) Exit out by pressing the LEFT arrow key.

Note: If the panel has firmware version 7, Enter the Admin 1 menu and perform the previous steps from step 3.


After defaulting the panel, create a new program from scratch or jumpstart the system. If issues persist, the panel would need to be replaced.
