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Integrated Operations Run It Your Enterprise Thrives In It

Improve the safety, sustainability and operational efficiency of your buildings with Honeywell Integrated Operations.

An Agnostic Solution To Total Integration

Integrate critical building operations with a single platform that provides a suite of capabilities designed to deliver the strategic outcomes that help your buildings do more. For your operations, your occupants, and your bottom line.

Reimagine What Your Building Can Do:

Learn About Honeywell Integrated Operations

Smooth Operations At Your Fingertips

Discover better outcomes when systems work together
Enterprise Building Integrator
Discover better outcomes when systems work together
Integrate multiple domains including building management systems, fire and life safety, security and third-party systems and equipment in an open, IoT platform. Leverage a powerful, unified interface that uses zoomable site maps to promote faster, more intuitive comprehension and interaction.
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Take Control with Greater Intel
Command and Control Suite
Take Control with Greater Intel
Manage complex critical infrastructure using intuitive map-based navigation makes critical information easier to access, and incident workflows support standard operating procedures (SOPs) for more efficient responses.
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Get a clearer picture of your facility​
Digital Video Manager
Get a clearer picture of your facility​
Improve the security of your site with a complete video system that is designed to integrate new technologies such as the latest IP cameras, video analytics, and encryption – so you can more effectively maintain vigilance and mitigate risk while enhancing the efficiency, integrity, and above all, the safety of your operations.
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Keep Spaces Healthier And More Productive

Our healthy buildings platform helps create indoor environments that are measurably healthier and more productive for both occupants and visitors