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- Healthy Buildings
- Humidity
Hit your humidity target: 40 - 60%
Studies have shown that you can help reduce exposure to airborne pathogens.*
Get the humidity right
High humidity can promote bacteria and mold growth as well as conditions for dust mites.** Low humidity can cause dry, itchy skin and upper respiratory irritations. We can help you maintain optimal humidity to help reduce the risk of germ transmission.
Technical resource
Download our technical reference guide on Air Quality for healthy buildings.
See what you can do
Keep your building - and your bottom line - in good health. As we shelter in place, socially distance and work from home, we also long for normalcy.
Anatomy of a Healthy Building: Air Quality
View this on-demand webinar where our experts will explore technologies that can be used to improve air quality including considerations for retrofits and new use cases.

Humidity sensors
To keep your building's humidity levels in check, you can count on Honeywell sensors for the latest technology, affordability, ease of installation, accurate performance and reliability. Honeywell's broad line of sensors covers all HVAC control applications and mounting options.
Honeywell TC500A commercial thermostat
The thermostat style and intuitive control you want along with the advanced commercial features you need. *Coming Soon*
Wall modules
If you're looking to monitor temperatures and humidity, Honeywell's new Zio Wall Modules can do both with a great user experience and fast system integration.
WEBs Niagara 4
Directly access, analyze and act on operational data. Honeywell's WEBs Niagara-4 dashboards provide maximum control of your data and decisions through advanced charting, visualization and integration.
Speak to an expert
We understand your building management needs because we’re part of your community, helping millions of buildings around the world. And we’re ready to help you too. Click below to get in contact with a Honeywell Healthy Buildings Expert.
* Yale News, Hopes of pandemic respite this spring may depend upon what happens indoors, Bill Hathaway, March 30, 2020 [Accessed August 26, 2020]
** Mayo Clinic, Humidifiers: Air moisture eases skin, breathing symptoms, May 10, 2019 [Accessed September 1, 2020]
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